Monday, January 2, 2017

Have You Seen the Movie "Sing"?!

Yesterday was the 1st day of a NEW YEAR and, like many people, I was busy contemplating how to make this year my best one yet.  I'd wracked my brain all week, and especially on this day in particular, with lists, goals, and ideas on what I can do differently to be more successful, make more money, and take better care of myself this year: You know, all the normal New Year's Resolutions we all keep for about a month or so!

What can I do differently this year to not make the same mistakes as the previous year?  I, along with billions of other people, was pondering these things until my head ached... And as I had resolved to do in 2017, when I found myself getting overwhelmed, I took a break and just spent some time to focus on my family.

We'd all wanted to see the movie "Sing!" since we'd seen the commercials on television, so that's what we did. We loaded up all the kids on this muggy, wet day and headed to the theater to see this highly anticipated singing cartoon.

As I expected, it was funny, exciting, and heartwarming.  What I didn't expect though was to be inspired the way that I was.  So much so, I decided to dedicate an entire blog to this production, and what seeing it stirred up in me.

Every once in a while, you see a movie or experience an event that changes your perspective and makes you reevaluate your purpose for living. Yes!  This children's cartoon movie was that serious for me!  I was truly moved!

Without giving anything away, in case you haven't seen the movie yet; I was inspired by the way the animals in the movie pursued their love for singing against all odds.  Each animal character had their own story within the flick, and each one faced their own hardships, as we all do in life.  I was reminded that even when life knocks you down and it seems you'll never be able to rebuild what you started, the only thing you need to do is keep doing what you love and watch everything else come together.

I was encouraged to see each character rally around the main character, a koala bear named Buster Moon, in hopes to help him accomplish the vision that he, and they too, believed in.  It reminded me of how supportive people have been of my stage production, and our organization, from day one.  Even while in my own homelessness, I was unable to pay my cast and crew, so many of them gave unselfishly of their time to help make the vision a reality.  That is such an amazing feeling, and I felt that again as I watched this movie.  There's nothing better than the feeling you get when other people believe in your vision and stand with you to help you see it through!

The original cast of The Face of Homeless, 2013 world premiere.

This blog is in no way affiliated with the movie "Sing!" or it's creators.  I'm not being paid to promote them, but I will say, if you have a passion burning inside of you... If you've been discouraged because you've failed many times... If you've been through hardships that may have stopped or slowed down your progress... then this movie is sure to rekindle that fire and make you want to do whatever it is that lights you up inside!

For me, of course, that fire is my love for performing; whether that's on a stage, television, through my writing, or on a catwalk.  There's just something about knowing you are impacting an audience and possibly even changing their lives... Much in the same way this movie did for me!

Maybe it's a fear of failure, or just plain procrastination, but some of the things I've planned to do, such as getting this blog going, have been put on the back burner time and time again.  Like the koala bear told the shy elephant in the movie... "You'll overcome your fear if you just go out there & sing"!  ... So this is me going on out there & doing what I love to do!  What I know I was CREATED to do!  Without worry that it may not go the way I planned... If nothing else I'm enjoying the journey and can finally say I'm walking in my purpose!

So you can look forward to a lot more blogs, videos, stage plays, movies, events, shows, books.... YOU NAME IT!  I'm officially grabbing the "2017 bull" by the horns and I'm not going to let it get away from me this time!  I know there are so many great things in store, and I hope you will follow me along the journey and allow me to not only entertain, but encourage you!

Whatever your storm in life may be, or has been, don't let it stop you... let it drive you!  If it weren't for me living through being homeless, how would I have this testimony to share with you?  You see how everything happens for a reason?  I went through the storm and now that I've come out on the other end, I am ready to let my light shine through my testimony!  After all, that is what we're all supposed to be doing in life... In a way... we're all supposed to SING!

The Face of Homeless is now on Instagram!
Follow @FaceofHomeless today! 

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